“We prefer to die from disease than from hunger.”

Here in Mozambique lockdown is a very distant world from the reality of Mozambicans. The vast majority of Mozambicans work today to eat tomorrow and lockdown is a luxury they cannot afford. The other day I had to get a xopela (tuc-tuc type transport) and as  always I like to talk and I started asking the driver some questions. First I praised him because he was wearing a mask and I asked, “Do you think the Government will impose lockdown in Mozambique?’’

He was straightforward and very clear in his response, “Boss here we work today to eat tomorrow and there are people who work in the morning to eat at night. We would rather die of disease than die of hunger. Hunger is the worst thing there is. I went hungry during the war, my father and mother walked with us for days during the war looking for food. So here we would rather die of illness than die of hunger.

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-30 at 13.27.17

Mozambicans buying fish to sell from the fisherman.

Below are some interesting thoughts by an unknown author, of which many can relate to where we are….

“The phrase that many people have spoken in this time of pandemic is to keep in isolation, because we are in the same boat. Maintaining social isolation is very important, but we are not in the same boat, we are experiencing the same storm, but in different boats. For some the quarantine is being great! Moment of reconnection .. work is going smoothly, etc. For some it’s being a crisis! For others, peace … a time of rest. Holiday. For other times of torture: “how am I going to pay my bills ?!” Some are concerned that they will have bread to eat by the end of the week, if rice and beans will be enough. Some are in the home office on the farm … others are picking up trash to survive. Some want to go back to work because they have no money left. Some want to kill anyone who wants to go back to work because he is not thinking about money, after all he already has a reservation, no need to worry about it. Some are with faith in God that we will see many miracles in 2020. Others say the worst hasn’t even come.


So … No friend, we are not in the same boat. We are going through the same moment but with COMPLETELY different perceptions, experiences and needs. And we will each get out of this storm. So at this moment it is very important to see beyond what is seen. Seeing beyond the political party, beyond religion, beyond the navel itself … don’t underestimate the pain of the other because you don’t feel it, don’t judge the other person’s good life because you don’t know what he went through to get there … just don’t judge. Let us judge less. Both those who don’t have much, and those who have plenty. Both those who want to go back to work and those who want to stay at home.

 After all .. we are in different boats brother! Speak for yourself .”

There are few cases of covid-19 here so far, compared to other countries, but we have seen a rise in cases most days over the last week. We hope that it won’t spread as widely as it has done in Europe. The Government has put in some restrictions over the last month and a half. Schools, Churches and places of entertainment are closed at least until the end of May.

The BMS team are involved in some prevention projects, such as the distribution of masks, soap and information and teaching how to wash your hands and what the symptoms are, but also how to help overcome this difficult moment. Pray that God will give us the grace and wisdom to walk and help others in this time of despair, that we will shine the light of Jesus in any way possible so that in times of difficulty, people have hope.

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